Mental Health Resources
Emotional and Mental Health well-being is an important ingredient for students to be able to gain the most out of their high school experience. All adolescents experience ups and downs as they progress into adulthood; however, for students who require emotional/mental health support, school psychologists and school counselors are available to help navigate students toward healthy next steps. School-Based Wellness Centers, that offer a variety of services beyond counseling, are also available in all of our schools. In order to access the services found in the Wellness Centers, parents must sign a permission form.
Staff Resources:
Text DE to 741-741 to reach out to the Crisis Text Line counselors. |
Student/Family Resources:
Take Care Delaware
Research shows that trauma can undermine children’s ability to learn, form relationships, and function appropriately in the classroom.
Research shows that trauma can undermine children’s ability to learn, form relationships, and function appropriately in the classroom. Take Care Delaware is a program aimed at ensuring that students who are exposed to violence or a traumatic incident resulting in police contact receive appropriate interventions so they can succeed in school to the best of their ability.
The New Castle County Vocational Technical School District Office began to receive Take Care Delaware notifications from law enforcement beginning in November 2021. These notifications are sent to the school counselor, school resource officer, and assistant principal for the student. The school counselor will then send an email to the student’s teachers making them aware of the TCD Notice, and teachers will fill out a form to indicate if the student needed any interventions during the school day.
More information is available on the Take Care Delaware website