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NCCVT Application for STEP Program

This application is for special education students who are pursuing Delaware's Diploma of Alternate Achievement Standards and may quality for NCCVT's STEP Program (Specialized Transition to Employment Pathways).

You should submit only one application for the admissions process. Applying to multiple programs, such as both 9th Grade through SchoolChoice and this STEP application, may delay or complicate your application review. Thank you for your cooperation in helping us provide a smooth and fair admissions experience for everyone. Please contact Lisa Cave with any questions at [email protected].

For information on the STEP Program click here

Please complete the form in its entirety.

Please note that you will be required to provide the following documents in order to complete your application:

  1. Current IEP
  2. Most recent ESR (Evaluation Summary Report)
  3. 7th grade final report card
  4. 8th grade first marking period report card
These documents can be submitted by email to [email protected], by fax to 302-995-0888: attention Lisa Cave, or by uploading the documents below.
Please contact Lisa Cave with any questions at [email protected].
Current IEP, Most recent ESR (Evaluation Summary Report), 7th grade final report card, 8th grade first marking period report card
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Students Gender*
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Students Ethnicity*
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Student's Race*
Please select one race, regardless of ethnicity designation above
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Is an 8th grade sibling also applying for admission to NCCVT this year? *
Answer Required
Does a sibling currently attend a school in NCCVT?*
Answer Required
If yes, please indicate which school
Answer Required
School Records Authorization*
Answer Required
Confirmation Email